This unit is about the strategic leadership skills required by directors and senior managers to lead organisations involved in inter-organisational strategic activity.
This unit is about the strategic leadership skills required by directors and senior managers to lead organisations involved in inter-organisational strategic activity.
This unit is designed to enable directors and senior managers to develop their knowledge and understanding of strategic planning across organisations whilst maintaining the integrity of the individual strategies of participating organisations.
This unit is designed to enable directors and senior managers to research and evaluate the contemporary strategic context of inter-organisational collaboration, and to forecast, based on researched data, likely future situations.
This unit aims to enable directors and senior managers to develop their ability to critically analyse the impact of the media, pressure and political groups on stakeholders and inter-organisational policy and strategy, and to develop innovative ways of using the media to best effect.
This unit aims to enable directors and senior managers to develop analytical and critical thinking skills to challenge the status quo in respect of inter-organisational strategy development, from a reasoned and researched perspective, and to propose alternatives.
This unit is about understanding strategic leadership skills and strategies and the understanding of ethical and cultural issues within the organisation.
This unit is about the links between strategic management and leadership, key leadership principles, theory and organisational strategy.